Speech and Language Resources for Families


Dear Families,


I hope you will find these resources useful. Those listed can provide you with activities you can completed at home to further support your child's speech and language skills. If you have any questions please reach out to me at the email address below or message me on Remind .


Thank you,

Mrs. Deena Schaal           

[email protected]




articulation games

Mommy Speech Therapy word lists

Home-Speech-Home word lists

Multisyllabic word lists (more comprehensive)



Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary:

Expressive vocab game - categories

Spatial concepts games

Story sequencing - Toy Theater game

Language flash cards

Basic concepts scavenger hunt

Guess My Monster game (good for identifying, labeling, and describing attributes)


Receptive and Expressive grammar/sentence structure:

Pronoun games


Receptive Language:

wh- question games

Hear Builder

“Autism iHelp - WH Questions” app – FREE but paid options, NOT just for Autism! Good for auditory comprehension (also many other apps made by this company, search ‘Autism iHelp’ to see the others)

Enchanted Learning crafts


Pragmatic/Social Language:

Social/Communication skills


Functional communication skills/assistive technology:

Functional Language resources

Signing Savvy



Stuttering Help resources

A special page for kids who stutter